Jump on our VIP list – http://BluegrassTeam.com/homefinder – call or text 859-319-3555 Bluegrass Team EXP Realty. 150 acres, Barns, Live water Creek, Woods. Land for sale in Kentucky. Grow a lot of food in a small garden.
#LiveWaterCreeks #150acresOfWoods #LandForSaleInKentucky
I’ll give you the details first, then let’s see if this property is a match…
52± acres = $130s
97± acres = $140s
or all 150± acres = mid $200s
This beautiful piece of land is fenced (that’s a big deal), has 2 barns and a live water creek. It lies on the Little Goose Creek in Dunnville Kentucky with Country road in access and lots of road frontage.
Call or text Hunter Bluegrass Team EXP Realty 8593193555 today for more information.
There are trails running through the woods for ATV’s and Great hunting. Go to the top of the hill – and you can watch the Cincinnati Reds play ball.
more pics + VIDEO for this 150± acre Grazing farm and Tree Farm – with a few amazing building sites here: https://bluegrassteam.com/150-acres-b…
The clearings are fenced and has a cattle waterer. Young and mature timber are on the property – and nature trails cut in – to see all of it.
Now here’s an interesting tax-saving idea – that might have ‘you’ written all over it…
I’ve got a close friend who pays an ungodly amount of taxes (several 6 figures) – yes, he’s a high income earner, but he gives almost half of that hard-earned money away every year to the Govt – who steals his money and spends it on inefficient things. No political statement here – just the facts. Am I wrong?…
I tell him all the time – we have real estate to shelter some of those taxes… why don’t you? Well, one excuse after another and I don’t have to tell you how the story ends – he still focuses on making more money, which makes him spend more on taxes – and I spend more time trying to figure out tax loopholes to spend less on taxes. Think four wheelers and side x sides and pick up trucks and chainsaws and tractors as a tax deduction.
Land is one of those double benefits – you get to save on your taxes – AND you get to enjoy the land. And for me, not only do you get to spend quality time and connect with your family – hiking, trail rides, cutting wood, cleaning up branches, hunting – whatever floats your boat. There are many financial benefits to owning land…
I call real estate an IDEAL investment:
I – Income – rent out your fields, sell firewood, lease hunting rights, grow Timber (super tax shelter in a Tree Farm – look that one up).
D – depreciation – even though you can’t depreciate land, you can everything else – barns, equipment (check out Sec 179 accelerated depreciation – equipment can be depreciated100% in one year – how bout them apples?) Pick up truck, side by sides, on and on.
E – Equity – every month (if you are making payments, you are building equity – and every year land goes up – sometime a little, sometimes a lot – and anything you do to your land (cut in trails, plant special trees (like walnuts), on and on – all builds equity.
A – appreciation – year after year, decade after decade, land goes up in value and timber has always been a good investment over the years – not to mention unlimited losses for decades.
L – Leverage – you know if you buy stocks, it takes $100,000 to buy $100,000 worth of stocks. But real estate you can almost always leverage – 10% down, 25% down, heck there have been many dozens of properties Cindy and I have bought and still have them – that were nothing down 0 – (even I had that much once). 😀
I have our Side-x-side to take you through all the trails and all over this property 859-319-3555 Hunter Bluegrass Team.
more pics + VIDEO for this 150± acre Grazing farm and Tree Farm – with a few amazing building sites here: https://bluegrassteam.com/150-acres-b…
I know you have a question… I can see it in your eyes. 🙂 shoot them to me – I need to help 3 people today – and you’ll be my 3rd! 😉
Call Hunter, your Agent at Bluegrass Team EXP Realty 859-319-3555
Listing provided by:

best real estate agent in kentucky,
weekend retreat,
Vacation rental,
Timber income,
deer hunting,
hunting camp,
bug out property,
bug out locations for sale,
corporate getaway,
Live water Creek,
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