No Jobs here in Kentucky – we hear it all the time — from people who don’t live here – or do
any research.
Let’s take a look to see if Kentucky has jobs…
Did you know we make 3 ‘fairly popular’ cars here in Kentucky?
Ford pickups – made here in Louisville, KY.
Toyota and Lexus’ largest plants in the world – Georgetown, KY. Plant Site: 1,300+ acres Total facility size: 8.1 million sq. ft. (Equal to 169 football fields under roof) Current Employment: 8,000+. source:
One of the lost beloved American sports cars, the iconic Corvette – every one, ever made – is made here in Bowling Green, KY.
Did you know that UPS’s largest hub in the world is here in Louisville, KY – Building area: 5,200,000 square feet (90 football fields) Sort Capacity: 350,000 packages per hour (Phase 1) + 416,000 packages per hour (Phase 2) and UPS Worldport employs 33,000 people? source:
Did you know more than 85,000 people are employed in the automotive industry in Kentucky? source:
Did you know nearly 1.3 million cars and light trucks were assembled in Kentucky last year?
Did you know some of the wealthiest people in the world have horse farms here in Kentucky?
Did you also know there are over 9,000,000 barrels of aging bourbon in Kentucky? source:
Did you know Bourbon is an $8.6 billion signature industry in Kentucky, generating 20,100 jobs with an annual payroll of $1 billion. source:
Did you know Kentucky holds more than a third of all distilling jobs in the U.S., boasting an average salary of $95,000 – up 23% since 2009?
Did you know for every distilling job, three more are created down the line – only light trucks and utility vehicles have more jobs and a higher multiplier? Distilling ranks higher than all but one of the 532 Kentucky industries in the state’s share of national employment and manufacturing output. source:
Did you know Kentucky is on pace for record growth by 2020 – more than 24,000 people will owe their paychecks to the distilling industry for a total payroll of $1.2 billion annually and $10 billion in economic output?
Did you know Kentucky schools rank 18th in the nation? source:
Did you know Kentucky’s cost of living index is way below national averages?
Did you know Kentucky’s housing is 63% of the US average? That means your dollar goes farther… source:
Did you know the Kentucky cattle and calf inventory for January 1, 2019 was estimated at 2.13 million head according to the Kentucky Field Office of the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service? Why do we have so many cattle??? We have water! We get about 1″ of rainfall per week on average.
Just the Kentucky Southern Shorelines Region is made up of more miles of freshwater shoreline than the entire coastline of Florida. source:
I could go on, but I think I’ll kick my shoes off, go sit on the porch with my honey and a glass of wine, watch the sunset and know I can afford to live my days in this beautiful state – with friendly, gentle people and endless rolling green hills for our cattle to graze and grow.
if this interests you, call or text Ken 859-494-5521 Bluegrass Team EXP Realty